Pokemon Gameboy List
I beat the blue version and am on the Red version now.
I did not use the game shark to get these Pokemon. If you want to know how, email me at the bottom of this page, or reach me on AOL instant messager at Wolfnet16.
These are all the Pokemon I have so far. If you have game boy and want to trade, email me at the bottom of this page
Name Level
Bulbasaur 100
Ivysaur 100
Veusaur 100
Charmander 100
Charmeleon 100
Charizard 100
Squirtle - need another one
Warturtle 100
Blastoise 100
Caterpie evolve
Metapod evolve
Butterfree 100
Weedle evolve
Kakuna evolve
Beedrill 100
Pidgey evolve
Pidgeotto 100
Pidgeot 100
Rattata 100
Raticate 100
Spearow 100
Fearow 100
Ekans -didn't find yet
Arbok -didn't find yet
Pikachu 100
Raichu 100
Sandshrew evolve
Sandslash 100
Nidoran F evolve
Nidorina evolve
Nidoqueen 100
Nidoran M evolve
Nidorino evolve
Kidoking 100
Clefairy 100
Clefable 100
Vulpix evolve
Ninetales 100
Jigglypuff evolve
Wigglytuff 100
Zubat evolve
Golbat 100
Oddish didn't find yet
Gloom didn't find yet
Vileplume didn't find yet
Paras evolve
Parasect 100
Venonat 100
Venomoth 100
Diglett evolve
Dugtrio 100
Meowth evolve
Persian 100
Psyduck evolve
Golduck 141- not a mistake
Mankey didn't find yet
Primeape didn't find yet
Growlithe didn't find yet
Arcanine didn't find yet
Poliwag evolve
Poliwhirl evolve
Poliwrath 100
Abra evolve
Kadabra evolve
Alakazam 100
Machop evolve
Machoke evolve
Machamp 100
Bellsprout evolve
Weepinbell evolve
Victreebel 100
Tentacool evolve
Tentacruel 100
Geodude evolve
Graveler evolve
Golem 100
Ponyta evolve
Rapidash 100
Slowpoke evolve
Slowbro 100
Magnemite 31
Magneton 100
Farfeth'd 100
Doduo evolve
Dodrio 100
Seel evolve
Dewgong 100
Grimer evolve
Muk 100
Shellder evolve
Cloyster 100
Gastly evolve
Haunter evolve
Gengar 100
Onix 100
Drowzee evolve
Hypno 100
Krabby evolve
Kingler 100
Voltorb evolve
Electrode 100
Exeggute 100
Exeggutor 100
Cubone 100
Marowak 100
Hitmonlee didn't get yet
Hitmonchan 100
Lickitung 100
Koffing evolve
Weezing 100
Rhyhorn evolve
Rhydon 100
Chansey 100
Tangela 100
Kangaskhan 100
Horsea evolve
Seadra 100
Goldeen evolve
Seaking 100
Staryu evolve
Starmie 100
Mr. Mime 100
Scyther didn't find yet
Jynx 100
Electabuzz didn't find yet
Magmar 100
Pinsir 100
Tauros 100
Magikarp evolve
Gyarados 100
Lapras 100
Ditto 100
Eevee 100
Vaporeon 100
Jolteon didn't get yet
Flareon didn't get yet
Porygon 100
Omanyte didn't get yet
Omastar didn't get yet
Kabuto evolve
Kabutops 100
Aerodactyl 100
Snorlax over 200
Articuno didn't get yet
Zapdos 100
Moltres 100
Dratini evolve
Dragonair evolve
Dragonite 100
Mewtwo 100
Mew 100
Pikablu 100
Togepy 100
If You would like to talk about or trade Pokemon, I can be reached here or at AOL instant messager at Wolfnet16